Nothin’ to Lose: The Making of KISS (1972-1975) – Ken Sharp, Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons
Having just read three Kiss books I was unsure what I could possibly gain by reading this book but I have to say I really enjoyed it. I was attracted by its size and the short timespan it was covering. Overall however the pace we really good. There was one point before it moved on […]
Look Wot I Dun: Don Powell of Slade – Don Powell, Lise Lyng Falkenberg
It is quite some time since I have read a book on Slade so this was a good if a little odd read. It was not really by Don and it was not written as if it was by Don. Lise use Don’s diaries (which he has kept since his car crash caused a short […]
Kiss Trilogy
I have just completed reading a trilogy of books on Kiss. At Christmas I got Face the Music: A Life Exposed – Paul Stanley Paul has always been my favourite in Kiss and I was particularly impressed with his Autobiography. I believe it was ghost written by Tim Mohr and he has done a really […]
Uli Roth – The Railway, Ipswich – 9 Sept 2012
I am very much into my hard rock bands but I am not big on guitarists as a rule. Last night at The Railway, Ipswich. I got to see someone that I figure is in my top 5 of guitarist that I just love to hear playing Uli Roth. (Others that spring to mind are […]
Karnataka – High Barn, Great Bardfield – 26/1/12
Firstly, praise for the venue, a lovely 14th Century barn. It is a great setting for a gig with good acoustics. As you drive to it, you wonder where a crowd will appear from as it is in the heart of Essex with only villages around it, but Karnataka still managed to draw a good […]
Claydon High School Trip to Einsiedeln 1980
Having seen my page on Claydon High School receiving its first computer. Darren Rampley got in touch with me and sent me the booklet we received for the 1980 school Trip to Einsiedeln, Switzerland. I have some photos so I am sharing them back It was interesting to read who went. Also some of the comments in the […]
The Heart of Mathematics: An invitation to effective thinking by Edward B. Burger and Michael Starbird
One day I was getting the lawn mower out to cut the grass and my mind puzzled over the lead which was as usual knotted. Normally I just pull it through end to end but this time I was convinced there was a better way of doing it. I remembered reading something about counting loops […]
Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen By Christopher McDougall
One of my clients recommended this book to me when I mentioned I had a knee problem running. I thought the concept of Barefoot running sounded really odd and although I enjoyed the film “Chariots of Fire” I have never had interest in watching running or reading about running. I just love running. So I […]
The Polio Paradox – Richard L. Bruno H.D., Ph. D. (reviewed again)
I first finished reading “The Polio Paradox” in 2002 and have always held it in high esteem. Since finishing the book a lot has changed in my life. I have trained as a hypnotherapist and used my training to help myself move from being a mobility Scooter user to being runner. I have come a […]
Claydon High School in the Papers in 1981
I was looking in my old Scrapbook and came across this newspaper article. It is from the Evening Star in April 2 1981. The School was just receiving a Research Machines 380Z and thus was effectively the first time I got interested in Computers. For the next year I hogged the 380Z before and after […]