Kiss Trilogy

I have just completed reading a trilogy of books on Kiss. At Christmas I got Face the Music: A Life Exposed – Paul Stanley Paul has always been my favourite in Kiss and I was particularly impressed with his Autobiography. I believe it was ghost written by Tim Mohr and he has done a really […]

The Polio Paradox – Richard L. Bruno H.D., Ph. D. (reviewed again)

I first finished reading “The Polio Paradox” in 2002 and have always held it in high esteem. Since finishing the book a lot has changed in my life. I have trained as a hypnotherapist and used my training to help myself move from being a mobility Scooter user to being runner. I have come a […]

Various Reviews

Here are the my opinions of the books I have been reading. I started writing reviews because I wanted to praise Woman In Whitle on As I often the case I thought it might then be nice to have a record what I thought of books when I read them so I have continued. […]

John Wyndham

John Wyndham and Wilkie Collins are probably my two favourite authors. I have read all Wyndham’s novels so I moved on to his short stories and had a lot of trouble indentifying which book which story comes in so I therefore started to compile the data in a database. A lot of this stuff is […]

The Polio Paradox – Richard L. Bruno H.D., Ph. D.

I read this book because it was recommend by the specialist that originally diagnosed my M.E., Dr Elizabeth Dowsett. She actually gives the book a recommendation on the back cover. I was diagnosed in 1994 and have fairly religiously stuck to her advice but there was only so much information that could be passed to […]