Alice In Wonderland by Lewis Carol

What utter rubbish. Why is this book so popular? It is nonsense after nonsense if this entertains children it shows how out of touch I am with them. A complete waste of reading time. Thank goodness it is short. I had started reading it to Zoe and Abbie but they seemed bored by the idea. […]

Rick Wakeman Half Century Tour 1999

Norwich and Bury St Edmunds Cathedrals – 10-11 June 99 I took in two nights of this tour and I am glad I did as my health the first night left me feeling rather unsure of the night. Taking in the 2nd night (and not have my children visit prior to the concert!) meant I […]

The Picture Of Dorian Gray By Oscar Wilde

This is a book I have heard as a Talking Classic and seen in an old B&W film. It struck me as being very much written in the style of a play with lots and lots of dialogue. I was interested to see that when Wilde described the scene at the beginning in the Artists […]