Some recent shots first (By the looks of them a bit old now!)
My most recent Picture. L-R Leon Lawson (Praying Mantis Touring
Keyboard player), Bernie Shaw (Uriah Heep and ex Mantis vocalist), Me after
a rather brutal haircut (Jul 2000)
Typical Sight with me going out (see M.E.)
![With Abbie in the Park. June 98](/graphics/jabi.jpg)
With Abbie in the Park. June 98
Again with Abbie (Zoe takes better photo’s being the oldest)
– June 97
With Zoe (taken by Abbie). I tend to shave the top of my
hair during summer and grow it in winter. May 98
With Hard Rain’s Bob Catley (ex-Magnum). – July 97
Some shots to remind me to recover from ME
or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Yes it is me. I forgot to look up. Early 90’s?
Running 13 miles used to be no problem. I still sometimes
have the urge to run. If only I could walk more than a short distance! – Aug
Abseiling down a good drop in Wales – 1983
At one of many bike rallies in my pre-family days – Aug
I can’t believe I used to hill walk in Leather trousers!
– New Year 87
I used Sub Aqua dive. I would still love to go snorkelling.
– July 89
Sponsored Haircut Feb 92(?)
a laugh if I shaved my hair of for charity. I thought him stupid and I had only
recently done a Parachute jump for charity and I did not fancy the idea of trying
to raise money again. The seed of the idea set in though and eventually I set
a figure of something like 300ukp sponsorship and I would do it. I had some
very vindictive works mates sponsoring up to 20ukp each and I soon broke this
figure and in fact raised something like 800ukp.
Other shots
I am very fond of cats and don’t really like dogs. July
First signs of my interest in Motorbikes and Hard Rock
– 1980
I am still rebelling against these haircuts! 1973?